Sunday, July 02, 2006

Relinquishing Control

You might be wondering where I have been lately?

Maybe you're not wondering, maybe the thought never crossed your mind. But let's assume that you missed me so I can explain why I haven't been updating my journal.

The baby has taken complete control over my body.

I'm so tired I can't even blink.
I'm queasy if I eat and I'm queasy if I don't.
My breasts feel like 2 ton boulders.
I spend 22 hours a day on the toilet peeing.
I spend the other 2 hours a day on my way to the toilet.
I can't take a dump ever.

I was reading a pregnancy book the other day (while on the toilet).
I thought it would cheer me up to know that this is only temporary.
I'm an optimist.
The book says I'll be sick until the end of the first trimester.
That means I won't feel like myself again until August.
But, then my clothes won't fit anymore.

This is so much fun!

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