Quick study
"All of my senses are working now!" Your baby's brain is still developing rapidly as her five senses get ready for the world outside the womb. At this point, she can see the liquid world around her; feel sensation when she grabs a toe or sucks on a finger; taste the amniotic fluid she's swallowing; and hear your heartbeat, your voice, and the grumble of your stomach. Of course, there's no air in the amniotic sac to carry scent, but if there were, she could also smell her environment.
Head most
Because of tremendous brain growth, your baby's head circumference has increased by nearly half an inch just this week.
What Mommy is Doing:
Scaling up
You should be gaining weight too—about a pound a week. You'll continue to put on pounds until just before delivery. Don't try to slow your weight gain even if you weigh more than you'd hoped. Your baby needs the extra pounds right now. There's plenty of time to lose weight after he's born.
Dawn’s Notes:
I awoke to an excruciating leg cramp last night and was unsuccessful in hiding my pain from Chris. He was frantic at first and I can only imagine what his thoughts were when he realized that I was in pain. He massaged my leg and helped me limp to the toilet, so he is my hero.