The big question of the day is:
Labor and Delivery, Natural or Epidural?
As if it is even a question!
Last night, I was reading a horrifying book titled ‘Pregnancy and Childbirth.’
Well, that book is about 10% pregnancy and 90% childbirth horror!
I should have dropped the book while I was still feeling somewhat confident about this, but I didn’t.
I’ve been entertaining ideas of a water birth, or walking through contractions, or giving birth standing up. I’ve read that delivery while lying on your back is the worst position because you are pushing the baby uphill and the opening is narrowed, which increased the need for episiotomy.
But then I realized that I wouldn’t be able to feel my legs if I had an epidural.
So, that rules out walking and standing.
Should I be a martyr?
Considering that I get queasy just thinking about the delivery process, maybe I’m not the best candidate for natural childbirth.
I can’t really imagine myself meditating through the pain.
The baby forums are very helpful.
Some moms say, “Women have been doing it for thousands of years without drugs.”
Other moms say, “Would you have a tooth extracted without pain medication? If not, why would you give birth without it?”
So, the question is out there for debate and we have a couple of months to figure it out.
As of today, we are 80% voting for epidural, and 20% delusional.
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