Thursday, July 13, 2006

Cheese, Glorious Cheese

I recently read that soft cheeses, such as feta, brie, and mozzarella, can sometimes contain a bacteria called Listeria if they are not pasteurized.
Pregnant hostages, oops, I mean women, can’t eat soft cheeses because Listeria is bad. I don’t know how Listeria is bad, but it is.

I’m packing lunches this morning and I reach into the refrigerator looking for string cheese.

I realize that I didn’t buy any string cheese on the last grocery shopping expedition.

Because it's MOZZARELLA string cheese.



Chris tells me I’m being a little neurotic.

I think he just can’t listen to any more of my incessant whining about the eternally long list of dietary restrictions that I have imposed on myself in my campaign for a perfectly healthy baby.

So, we’ll compromise.

I’ll eat the mozzarella, but I’ll avoid the feta and brie so I can sleep peacefully at night.

Now, excuse me while I go eat my cold leftover pizza (smothered in mozzarella)…

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