Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I've been trying to keep a journal since I found out I was pregnant, but I simply can't write as fast as I can type. This is very important to me, so I don't want my journal keeping project to end the same way my wedding album project ended.

Just for the record, the wedding album project is not over, it is simply a work in progress. Can you think of a better tenth wedding anniversary gift for Chris, my darling husband? I can't think of a better anniversary gift, either, so I need to keep this project as an option. I knew you would understand.

Anyway, you got me off subject...

So far, I'm 5 weeks pregnant.

There's a lot of catching up to do already...how did I get to this point in my life, the events of the last couple of months, my reaction to the news, etc.

Lots of looking back to do and so many expectations for the future!

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