Squirt missed our February 13th deadline.
It is now February 14th and it’s the perfect day NOT to be having a baby.
First of all, Chris is not thrilled with the idea of having a Valentine’s Day baby.
It wouldn’t be a bad birthday for a girl. There would always be a celebration at school and she could always expect to receive a very romantic birthday gift from her husband as an adult. We could bake pink cupcakes for school and her middle name could be Valentine or Love.

It would be a horrible birthday for a boy. There would always be a valentine party at school and his mother would embarrass him by baking pink cupcakes. As an adult, his significant other would expect a romantic gift FROM him on his own birthday. It just doesn’t seem fair.

Another good reason not to have this baby today would be the weather. There was a winter storm warning last night, but we didn’t take it seriously because they issue a storm warning every time they see a snowflake in the sky.
Last night, we got home from work and Chris’ cargo van got stuck in the end of our driveway. He had to leave it there and use the snow blower to plow the entire driveway before we could park.
This morning, the driveway was buried again in snow that is over one foot deep. We have snow drifts in our backyard that reach the top of our four-foot tall fence.
We briefly considered taking a vacation day and staying home from work. Then, we realized that we could be stuck in the house when I go into labor. As much as we didn’t want to work today, we also don’t want to have the baby in our living room. Since we also work IN a hospital and work is only one mile away from the hospital where we plan to deliver, we decided that it was a good idea to go to work.
We realized what a horrible idea this was by the time we reached the end of the driveway. One of our neighbors had pulled out of their driveway and their car was stuck in the street. Our van slid all over the road while Chris tried to drive fast enough to keep us from getting stuck, too. I was a little hysterical and wanted to go back home.
We stopped for gas just to make sure that we had a full tank before our adventure began. I still really wanted to go back home.
We made it to the freeway only to find that the road was nearly empty. The snow was coming down hard, but the freeway had been cleared at some point and the snow was not nearly as deep as it had been in our neighborhood. Since there was no threat of hitting a tree or fire hydrant or passing car, I was able to calm down for the rest of the ride.

We got to work only one hour late and found that most people had stayed home today. Of course, only the managers in my office came to work today and they were all surprised that the one employee that came into work is the 9-month pregnant lady. I hope they remember to mention that during my annual review…
So, I’m sitting here this afternoon wondering if the lower back pain and cramping I’ve been feeling all day is just false labor or if today is THE day. I have a feeling that Squirt won’t decide until we get home tonight.

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