Sunday, February 11, 2007

Squirt Update

The Update:

We've been waiting for Squirt all weekend, but the baby hasn't arrived YET!

We had a doctor appointment on Friday afternoon and I was 4 cm and 70% effaced. My doctor was shocked that I am still walking around at this point, so we assumed that Squirt would be arriving any minute.

We're still waiting.

Kayla and Erica are disappointed because they were hoping that the baby would come while they were over this weekend.


Kayla is excited because she bet money on Valentine's Day, Feb 14. She still has a chance if Squirt can wait just a couple more days.

Dad is betting on Feb 13.

I would be happy with any day, and the sooner the better. I can't breathe and put on my shoes at the same time and I'm really sick of going to work everyday!

Hurry up, Squirt!!!!

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