Chris finally called me onto the carpet last night.
When am I going to start exercising?
We’ve been taking Bradley Method classes and an important preparation for natural childbirth is exercise. Labor and birth requires flexibility, strength and endurance.
Of course, that sounds logical.
And I really do have good intentions.
But I also have three huge obstacles:
1. lack of time
2. pregnancy-induced exhaustion
3. pregnancy brain
The lack of time just proves that my priorities are wrong. A good mother would be focused on the arrival of her new baby.
Strike one for me.
The pregnancy-induced exhaustion is entirely my fault. First of all, I would have more energy if I would simply make time to exercise. Is this a Catch-22? I could also make more time to sleep if I would simply turn off the TV at night rather than propping my eyelids open with toothpicks just to find out who the killer is on CSI.
Strike two for me.
The pregnancy brain makes me forget that I need to exercise. I know it’s hormonal and I need to take control. No problem. I have a love of charts and checklists. Chris fondly refers to me as an anal, uber-organized planner. I assure you that these traits do not offend him when his dinner arrives on the table or he has clean underwear in his dresser drawer.
One point for me.
So, now that Chris has fulfilled his obligation as my Bradley coach and I am drowning in guilt, I have committed to start exercising as I should.
Wish me luck!

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