Friday, August 11, 2006

SURPRISE!! Siblings React

Kayla and Erica finally know the happy news.

We took the girls out to dinner at our favorite Chinese Restaurant, Hunan Garden.
We let them choose between Chinese or Mexican.
I wanted Mexican, but Kayla wanted Chinese, and she whines louder than I do.

After we ordered dinner, we told the girls that we had gifts for them for our upcoming vacation to Florida.

Kayla opened her gift first.
It was a black and red shirt that said “Big Sister”.
She wasn’t very thrilled, but that was understandable.
She doesn’t exactly run around bragging about being related to Erica.

Erica opened her gift next.
It was a blue shirt that said “Big Sister’.
She said she liked the color and she thought it was nice that we thought she was growing up.
She asked if we got it on sale or something.

Erica and Kayla argued with us for over five minutes that Erica is not actually a big sister and it’s just not possible.
The expression on Erica’s face when she finally figured out that I’m pregnant was just priceless.

Erica was immediately excited. She wants to read to the baby, learn how to change diapers, take babysitting classes, tour the hospital nursery, and go shopping.

Kayla was immediately devastated. Her first response was “I’m terrified.” She hopes the baby won’t cry at night or go into her bedroom. She then concluded that it doesn’t matter because she can’t wait to move out of the house when she grows up.

Note: Kayla has been much more positive about it now that she has had time to think about it.

Erica is now fondly referring to me as the VICTIM. The baby is the LIFE SUCKER.

Welcome to the family, kid!

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