Monday, January 29, 2007

The Official Birth Plan

We are thrilled to share the birth of our child with you. We hope to have a natural, un-medicated birth, unless health risks to the mother or child are determined by our obstetrician. We would like to avoid medical interventions as much as possible. Please help us to have a satisfying and memorable birth experience.


Health Management
*Prefer to keep vaginal exams to a minimum
*Prefer to avoid shaving and use of enema
*Prefer to have a heparin lock inserted for emergency use
*Prefer to avoid an IV unless recommended by our obstetrician due to health risks to the mother or baby
*Prefer intermittent monitoring using Doppler or fetoscope
*Prefer NOT to have continuous fetal monitoring using EFM, unless required by the condition of our baby
*Prefer NOT to have internal monitoring unless our baby has shown signs of distress and internal monitoring is recommended by our obstetrician

*Prefer natural methods of induction (walking, massage, nipple stimulation, etc.)
*Prefer to avoid artificial rupture of the amniotic membrane (unless required for internal monitoring)
*Prefer to avoid Pitocin or other labor-inducing medications

We would prefer to avoid induction due to “failure to progress.” We understand that induction may be necessary for medical reasons. If the bag of waters is intact, we would consent to medical induction for:
*no signs of labor two weeks past due date
*fetal distress
*recommendation of obstetrician based on medical condition

Pain Management
*Maintain mobility and allow frequent position changes (walking, rocking, use toilet)
*Eat and drink to comfort
*Use of water (shower or tub) for relaxation and pain management (no water birth)
*Please do not offer pain medications. We will request them if needed.
*Prefer staff to maintain quiet environment as much as possible to aid relaxation


*Prefer to choose the position for birth, including squatting, if possible.
*If fully dilated and no signs of fetal distress, would prefer to wait for urge to push
*Once pushing, would prefer “directed” or “guided” pushing to allow perineum to stretch and avoid tearing
*Prefer NOT to have an episiotomy
*Prefer a tear to an episiotomy
*Prefer staff to maintain quiet environment as much as possible to aid relaxation

*Mother would like the opportunity to touch the baby’s head when it crowns
*Prefer to avoid use of forceps or vacuum extraction
*Father would like to assist in the delivery and catch the baby, with assistance from the obstetrician, if possible

After Delivery
*Prefer to have baby placed on mother’s abdomen and chest immediately following delivery, unless there is a medical emergency
*Father would like to cut the umbilical cord
*Prefer to delay cutting the cord as long as possible to allow the cord to stop pulsing
*Prefer natural expulsion of placenta
*Prefer to avoid pitocin, abdominal massage, or pulling of cord to deliver placenta
*Prefer local anesthetic to repair a tear or episiotomy
*Prefer to donate cord blood

Cesarean Section:
*Prefer to avoid cesarean section unless absolutely necessary and recommended by obstetrician due to fetal distress or significant health risk to mother
*If a cesarean section is required, the parents would like to be fully-informed and involved in the decision making process
*Prefer local anesthetic, if possible
*We understand that general anesthesia may be necessary in an emergency
*Prefer father to be present for birth
*If baby is not in distress, prefer father to hold baby immediately after birth
*Prefer skin-to-skin contact with parents as soon as possible after birth for bonding

Post-Partum Child Care

*Prefer to have baby remain on mother’s abdomen as long as possible following birth
*Prefer warming by skin-to-skin contact
*Prefer to delay testing and evaluation as long as possible
*Prefer to initiate breastfeeding as soon as possible following birth
*Prefer to have baby cleaned while on mother

Testing and Evaluation
*Prefer to have testing performed with baby on mother, as much as possible
*Prefer to be informed regarding testing and treatments PRIOR to administration
*We request that the Hepatitis Series not be administered during the hospital stay. We have made arrangements for this treatment to be administered by our pediatrician upon discharge from the hospital.
*We request that the PKU Test not be performed during the hospital stay. We have made arrangements for this test to be performed by our pediatrician upon discharge from the hospital.
*Prefer exclusive breastfeeding
*Prefer NO use of pacifiers, bottles, glucose water, or formula
*Parents prefer not to be separated from baby at any time, unless required for health reasons
*Prefer “rooming-in” to allow bonding between parents and baby

*Prefer circumcision of a male child prior to discharge from hospital
*Parents would prefer to be present during procedure
*Prefer local anesthetic for procedure

Sick Baby

Should the baby be in a situation that requires non-routine medical care:

*Parents request “kangaroo care”, allowing for as much skin contact as possible
*Prefer to breastfeed as soon as possible following medical interventions
*Prefer to provide breastmilk via exclusive pumping if breastfeeding is not possible
*Parents request unlimited visitation during treatment
*If baby is moved to another facility, parents would like to be moved as soon as possible and have one parent with the baby at all times.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am sure your baby has been born by now, and I sincerely hope all went according to plan.

I was just doing some research on 'Nipple Stimulation' (for other reasons), but noted in most cases such as yours it is hard to stimulate one's own nipples.

There is a device called a Nipple Huggers® (invented by a woman for women). Although the device was initially an alternative to nipple piercing, it was reported to cause nipple stimulation. An independent polling service has registered 97.6% (to date) YES for nipple stimulation. And while in this case the nipple stimulation was meant to rekindle fires for those long term relationships, Nipple Stimulation is Nipple Stimulation no matter what the desired purpose. Nipple stimulation causes the body to produce Oxytocin a hormone naturally produced when making love, lactating as well as in many other situation, such as assisting in the 'labor' process.

So for anyone interested in a nipple stimulation devices, FDA approved as an acuPRESSURE device (no needles) - Nipple Huggers® are what your looking for!

FDA has "strongly recommended" the product be presented to the OBGYN branch for further studies and approval. A costly process, but is on the companies 'To Do' list.

Just a FYI since Nipple Stimulation is after all is said and done "Nipple Stimulation".

Please feel free to contact me at, but be sure to put NIPPLE STIMULATION in the subject line or it might get junked.

Please also feel free to edit any or all of this post, as it is in no way meant to be spam.