It might seem like the baby is the last thing on my mind lately since I haven’t written anything in so long, but I can honestly say that the baby is exactly why I haven’t had a chance to write!
Chris and I have been busy every minute of the day trying to get ready for this baby before the big day.
We took our tour of Labor and Delivery at our hospital last weekend. The tour was too long and not very informative, but I was so grateful to actually see where we would be in labor and where we would spend the first few days of our baby’s life outside of me. I’ve been having difficulty imagining our labor and delivery, but now it feels more like an impending reality to me. Just one step closer to being ready for baby.
I’m trying harder now to exercise and practice my relaxation techniques everyday. It’s really not hard to do, it’s just hard to find time and energy at the end of the day. I’ve been experimenting with different labor positions to learn what is comfortable now that I’m large enough to eclipse the sun, which is very different from what was comfortable when I was only six months pregnant.
Chris and I still make time to marvel at the wonders that transpire in my belly everyday. Just this morning, Chris mentioned that my belly isn’t round anymore. My belly is lumpy. And the lumps move. We are perpetually trying to guess which Squirt part is sticking out. I’d also like to say that it is fun trying to guess which Squirt part is smashing my lungs or banging my ribs or giving me heartburn, but that part is not as much fun. I keep hoping this baby will drop soon, but I’m sure I’ll regret that, too. I’ve heard that I’ll be tinkling more (is that possible?) and I won’t be able to sit or walk comfortably. BUT, I will be able to breathe. Seems like a reasonable compromise.
Chris recently received very important advice from a co-worker regarding how to know when the baby will arrive. Once you feel like you simply can’t stand being pregnant anymore, you still have one month left before the baby will be born. So, Chris has been asking me everyday, “Do you feel like you just can’t take it anymore?” So far, my answer has been “no,” which is very frustrating to Chris! He is ready to meet his baby!
In the meantime, we’ve been busy with lots of other chores. Chris finished building a bench for our kitchen and reorganized all of the cupboards. We need to file our taxes. We need to write our birth plan. We need to pack for the hospital.
At least we’re making some progress. I went shopping last night to buy a snow suit just in case we need to take Squirt outside without his car-seat (which has a winter cover). I returned home to find an almost identical snowsuit already hanging in Squirt’s closet. I forgot I already bought one a couple of months ago.
Hopefully, the rest of our preparations will be done with more efficiency.
Chris and I have been busy every minute of the day trying to get ready for this baby before the big day.
We took our tour of Labor and Delivery at our hospital last weekend. The tour was too long and not very informative, but I was so grateful to actually see where we would be in labor and where we would spend the first few days of our baby’s life outside of me. I’ve been having difficulty imagining our labor and delivery, but now it feels more like an impending reality to me. Just one step closer to being ready for baby.
I’m trying harder now to exercise and practice my relaxation techniques everyday. It’s really not hard to do, it’s just hard to find time and energy at the end of the day. I’ve been experimenting with different labor positions to learn what is comfortable now that I’m large enough to eclipse the sun, which is very different from what was comfortable when I was only six months pregnant.
Chris and I still make time to marvel at the wonders that transpire in my belly everyday. Just this morning, Chris mentioned that my belly isn’t round anymore. My belly is lumpy. And the lumps move. We are perpetually trying to guess which Squirt part is sticking out. I’d also like to say that it is fun trying to guess which Squirt part is smashing my lungs or banging my ribs or giving me heartburn, but that part is not as much fun. I keep hoping this baby will drop soon, but I’m sure I’ll regret that, too. I’ve heard that I’ll be tinkling more (is that possible?) and I won’t be able to sit or walk comfortably. BUT, I will be able to breathe. Seems like a reasonable compromise.
Chris recently received very important advice from a co-worker regarding how to know when the baby will arrive. Once you feel like you simply can’t stand being pregnant anymore, you still have one month left before the baby will be born. So, Chris has been asking me everyday, “Do you feel like you just can’t take it anymore?” So far, my answer has been “no,” which is very frustrating to Chris! He is ready to meet his baby!
In the meantime, we’ve been busy with lots of other chores. Chris finished building a bench for our kitchen and reorganized all of the cupboards. We need to file our taxes. We need to write our birth plan. We need to pack for the hospital.
At least we’re making some progress. I went shopping last night to buy a snow suit just in case we need to take Squirt outside without his car-seat (which has a winter cover). I returned home to find an almost identical snowsuit already hanging in Squirt’s closet. I forgot I already bought one a couple of months ago.
Hopefully, the rest of our preparations will be done with more efficiency.

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