Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Boy Scout Motto: Be Prepared

I’m so excited about our Bradley Method classes, that I’m finally finding time to write in my blog again!

Chris and I attended our first Bradley class last night. We originally signed-up for a 12-week series of classes that was scheduled to start on November 1. We weren’t so thrilled that the only class available before our due date is 30 miles away from home, but we were thrilled to find a class that started AND ended before our due date. Imagine my devastation when we received a call from our instructor last week telling us that the class series was cancelled! Evidently, 4 of the 5 couples decided not to take the class at the last minute. AGH!!! The agony! I was so discouraged and wondered if we could ever achieve an un-medicated birth without this training and preparation. I was feeling very blue.

Our instructor realized that she was our only option, so she offered to let us join her other class that is currently in session. We’ve already missed 5 of the 12 classes, but we figured it was better than nothing. Our instructor also offered to meet with us alone to review what we missed in the previous classes. I was relieved to learn that we’ve mostly missed Nutrition, Exercise, and Relaxation. I’m really anxious to review the relaxation techniques (can you tell that I need it?), but I think the nutrition and exercise will be a piece of cake. I’m so relieved that we were able to find a class!

After attending our first class, it even seems that Chris might be convinced that we could do this. I know he only agreed to take the classes because he would do ANYTHING to make me happy, but now he seems to be more supportive of the idea and seems to better understand my motivations. It means the world to me to have his genuine support, so I am overjoyed. I feel like I could do ANYTHING as long as I had his encouragement.

We’ve also decided to hire a doula to help us both through labor. I think this will take some pressure off of Chris by giving someone else the responsibility to be an advocate for us at the hospital. I want him to be free to cope with and enjoy the emotional aspects of labor and delivery, and let someone else worry about arguing with the doctors and nurses.

I feel so much more confident about our ability to labor and birth that I’m actually excited and can’t wait to meet our baby!

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