I’ve been feeling the baby move for about two weeks, but I’m very anxious for Chris to share this sensation with me, too.
He can’t feel the baby moving yet, but he did hear the baby kick me yesterday when the doc was listening to the heartbeat! Feisty little jumping bean in there!
This pregnancy is progressing normally so far, which is always a huge relief to hear. I just love to go to these appointments to listen to the heartbeat and get out of work early!
We had a quad screen yesterday to test for Down’s Syndrome, Neural Tube Defects, and Trisomy 18. We almost decided to skip the test with the assumption that a positive result would mean we could terminate the pregnancy, which we would never do. After talking to the doctor, we learned that a positive result would affect the baby’s care immediately after birth. So, as much as I hate these tests that leave us in suspense for weeks awaiting the results, we both realized that it would be best for the baby that we are prepared for anything that could be wrong.
Luckily, I am in a pregnancy-induced euphoria where I can’t possibly imagine anything being wrong with our baby or anything going wrong during delivery. There must be a magic pregnancy hormone that I have that keeps me from worrying, because that is definitely not one of my normal personality traits.
We also talked to the doctor about considering birth without pain medication. I’m reluctant to get an epidural simply because I hate the feeling of being incapacitated and I think I would handle labor better if I could move around and help the process. I would rather be an active participant than a passive bystander.
Chris is surprisingly supportive of the idea, which is just one more thing that I love about him. Of course, the natural childbirth class is 12 weeks long, compared to the Lamaze childbirth class, which is only 6 weeks. Might as well give up our normal lives now…
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