Thursday, October 19, 2006

Kick Me!

Chris felt the baby move last night!!

We were sitting on the couch watching our favorite TV show, Lost, and I felt the baby kicking HARD. I told Chris that I was curious to know if anyone else could feel how much stronger the kicks were becoming or if it was just me? He put his hand on my belly for a couple of minutes, and then the babe starting tapping out Morse code on my belly button. Chris could feel it!

I don't know if it's fair to imply that I'm more excited about this new development than Chris is, but it is honestly exhilarating to be sharing this experience with someone (besides the baby). Sometimes I feel like a little island, isolated by the knowledge that no one around me quite understands what I'm feeling as well as I do.

I've been saddened by the realization that Chris will never know what it feels like to have our little baby that we made living inside him. It's almost like I'm being selfish in keeping that feeling all to myself. I wish he could feel what I feel, but I'm glad that he can at least share this experience with me in this way.

It's also an indescribable feeling to feel my husband's hand outside of my belly and my baby's hand on the inside of my belly. I feel like I am the connecting force between them, and it's a very spiritual experience.

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